Friday, March 27, 2009


Incase you have not already heard, we have beed PCS'd to Canton, NY. In civilian terms it means Permanet Change of Station. We are suppose to be there for about a year or so starting in July,unless they PCS us AGAIN! The cause of this lovely relocation is b/c the Army took Tom's position away. What doesn't make sense is that there is an open position here in Lexington and Tom is taking the same position in NY as opposed to staying here. This, ladies & gentleman, are our tax dollars at work. WASTING MONEY!!

We, or should I say I, are/am trying not to worry, stress, etc... over this. I am putting all my faith in the Lord and praying, what I call the verse for our family, Jeremiah 29:11.

We are saddened that we will not be just a half day trip away from home. Instead, a plane ride or 23 no going home once a month, unless everyone wants to take turns buying us plane tickets! :) I'm not kidding...I will even open an account at a bank if everyone would like to contribute towards our plane tickets (ok, I am SOMEWHAT kidding!)

In other news, we are about 3 weeks away from Anna Grace's 1st birthday! I am not ready for my baby to be 1! They grow up sooo fast. So, enjoy every minute with your babies!

Please continue to keep us in your prayer...we really appreciate them and will keep you posted on our move to NY as things progress.


Thursday, February 26, 2009

Exciting Week

We've had some fun times since I last posted. Last Friday was mine & Tom's 6th Wedding Anniversary, so we celebrate by going out to dinner at a Japanese Steakhouse, Hanaoki. It was SO GOOD! I ate EVERY bit of my food. We also went "all out" with our gifts to each other, something we NEVER do. They were also each other's Birthday gift as well as Valentine's. It comes in handy having our birthdays on each side of February. Incase you can't tell, I received a diamond tennis bracelet and Tom got the XBOX (thank goodness Circuit City was going out of business!)

Last Saturday & Sunday we were blessed with 1 - 1.5 inches of snow. Thank goodness it was not ice. We don't need anymore chipped elbows here - LOL! Missy had a good time in the snow...she loves to play in it & eat it...silly dog!

Our baby is currently cutting her 6th tooth. Yes, I said S-I-X-T-H! I cannot believe she's getting so many teeth. She also had her first "date" this week. We were babysitting our neighbor's nephew, Colton. He is so sweet and they were so cute together! We took them strolling in the neighborhood & they were just "talking" back & forth carrying on a conversation. It was sooo adorable! I wonder if they knew what each other was saying?

AG also had her first ponytail today. It's not much, but her hair is getting there. (Can you see that little patch of hair stick up on her head?)I think it's going to be fine & thick like mine.
Well, that's about all that's going on here in KY. We hope y'all are doing well and we hope to see everyone soon! Love & Miss Y'all!
The Richersons

Monday, February 16, 2009

First Blog in 2009 (and in over a year)

Well, it's been a while since we've blogged so I thought I would do some updating, but I think for the most part everyone checks out my Facebook or MySpace pages, but for those of you who don't here ya go...
Tom's surgery on his chipped elbow went really well...the surgery was a success, however, he did have some problems in recovery. The DRs noticed Tom was wheezing during surgery and as he was waking up, plus the fact that his oxygen level was not where it needed to be, which is 100%. When I was finally able to join him in recovery his oxygen level was in the high 80s to low 90s and after a few hours it had moved to the mid 90s. The DRs were concerned so after 5 hours in recovery, yes FIVE HOURS, they sent him to the ER for further testing & observation. In the ER they did a chest xray, EKG and monitored all of his vitals. His oxygen level still wasn't where it needed to be, but Tom was back to his normal smart-elic self and they didn't want to keep him over night so they sent him home. He still wheezes a little at night, but other than that is doing well. He has reduced his pain meds down to half as the pain is much better. Thanks for all the prayers during his surgery & recovery. We really do appreciate them!

Anna Grace is growing like a weed and changing daily! She just turned 10 months as of Sunday and started taking her first steps...I'm so not ready for this part of her milestones. We also found out she's getting in her 3rd tooth and possibly her top two middle teeth, that would make 5 teeth! and she's not even 1. Speaking of 1, I cannot believe she will be 1 in just 2 short months! Man, time really does fly!!! We are having her first birthday part at my parents out in "Hooterville" and are planning an Easter Egg Hunt since it's over Easter weekend. I cannot wait to see her tear into her cake :)

Friday, the 20th, is our 6 year Wedding Anniversary! I cannot belive it's been 6 years already. It's been an eventful 6 years, but then again, that's what makes them memorable. We are going to make a date night of it with, sadly, what we have not done in a long time...dinner & a movie, just the two of us. We are both really looking forward to it!

I guess that's about all the updating on us here in KY. We hope all of y'all are doing well and we love & miss ya!

Below are some of Anna Grace's 9 month pictures that we had done...

P.S. The dress that she is wearing is a "family dress". Me, Lindsey & Hailey all wore this dress & had our pictures taken in this dress at 9 months. I love traditions like these :)

Monday, October 22, 2007

A Tough Weekend

Well, here's serious SSGT Richerson getting ready to leave for Ft. Benning. We had to be up at 3am since we live so far from the airport, for his 5:45am flight. Upon boarding the plane they had mechanical problems, which was only suppose to take an hour to fix. As of 9am Tom was still stuck in Memphis and had missed his connecting flight in Atlanta. Then FINALLY arrived to Benning around 5pm or so and come to find out they did not have him listed as being on the roster for a room or going overseas...go figure! He also found out once he got there that he wouldn't be there for 2 wks, but only 5 or 6 days!!! He leaves Friday for Iraq! I thought I had more time to prepare for that part! So, needless to say, this deployment is already off to a rocky start.

Well, here is a recent picture of my belly at 13 wks & 4 days (my belly is the one between my hands, the melons are my boobs, could they be any bigger!?!)... could I be having twins since I'm so big already? The good news is that when I went to the DR on Friday, I had lost about 2 pounds! We got to hear the heart beat on the doppler but didn't get an ultra sound :( I was hoping we could so Tom could have a recent picture of the baby to take with him. I go back to the DR on Nov 21 for another check-up...I'll be about 18.5 weeks and should find out what I'm having...I'm dieing to know!!

Well, as for me, the emotions are coming and going. One minute I have water works and the next I'm doing OK. Please pray for me during this time. I am really having a hard time...I lost it BIG TIME on Sunday at church! Also, continue to pray for Tom in his travels, his strength, courage and most importantly that he comes back home to me and our baby!

Thanks for all the thoughts & prayers...we couldn't have been blessed with better friends & family.

We Love Y'all!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Family Update

Well, as of today I am 13 weeks and 1 day preggers! I (and Tom) are dieing to know what we are having!! I go to the DR tomorrow for a check up and some blood work (yuck, I hate needles). I'll get some pictures up soon of me & my fat belly (seriously it's mostly fat right now)

On another note, Tom leaves Saturday for Benning for about 2 wks then heads to Iraq. I am not ready for another deployment, but what choice do I have?? He has asked for his 2 wks of R & R for mid April, around the due date of the baby. I pray that the timing works out.

If anyone gets bored, I'm sure I'm going to need help while Tom's gone, cleaning, doing laundry, getting the nursery ready, house maintance, etc... come one, come all!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Awaiting Results...

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Well, here I am in the last few days prior to taking my pregnancy test...will it be positive or negative!?! Let's pray that it's positive! Tom is so funny. He is constantly asking when I am going to test and what all the DR keeps saying. Tom's been making me rest and not over due it incase I am PG. He doesn't want to take any chances. He's been trying to keep me calm and make sure I'm not stressing, but my whole life is stress. It's really quite cute to watch him - lol He is so excited and really thinks the test will be positive...I pray he's right!

On another note: Tom got his orders today for Richmond, so I guess it's official? We've been looking on line for housing options. We think we're going to rent and are looking to see what the good areas are and such. I'm getting more excited each day. I'm sure my feelings will change if I find out that I have to move up to KY sooner than expected.

Lindsey, Hailey & Jason are moving to Jackson, TN around the end of the summer. Jason go promoted to Food Service Director at Freed-Hardeman...way to go Jason! My mom is non-too-excited about that move, and I'm not either! I know we're all our own family now, but we like being one big family & spending all weekend at my parents, cooking, working in the garden, swimming, spending family time together. It will be quite a change once we all move away...really sad! but the Lord has awesome things waiting for us...I just know it!
It seems like a lot is going on with my family lately regarding jobs. My mom's work contract got bought out by the company she was leased from, so she's working directly for the man and cut out the middle man. It wasn't the best move for her, money wise, but she said she felt she had to do it.

Well, that's about the lastest update on the Richerson's. I hope all is well with everyone. Pray for my family during all of this transitioning...we'll need it!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Road Trip to IN

Well, nothing much has been going on in the Richerson household. Thursday - Monday I went on a spur of the moment road trip with my aunt to see my family in South Bend, IN. I had so much fun! I hadn't seen them in like 12 we're all grown up, married, have kids of our own (well, not me, but everyone else!). We went to Notre Dame, Lake Michigan and Chicago while we were there. Notre Dame was so beautiful. I had never been there before...everything was green & it had some of the most gorgeous tulips! I took TONS of will take me a while to download them onto my album, so give me a few days. Other than this nothing really else is going on...I go back to the DR on May 17 to discuss our procedures that we are going forward with. It looks like we are going to do the artifical insemination. I'm trying to talk Tom into "freezing" some of his friends b/c I am expected to ovulate during the time the unit is gone to TX for IT far, I'm not having any luck! But I haven't given up yet. I guess that's about it for me for now...hope to see the Inner Circle on May looking forward to our Girls Night Out!
Notre Dame from across the lake and Me @ Notre Dame w/ tulips outside the Chapel